on the fingertips 意味
- 指尖上{しせん じょう}に
- at one's fingertips 指先にある、すぐ手の届くところにある、すぐに使えるようにしてある、あごで使う、指を一本動かすだけで、すぐ手に入る、手元に CompuServe is the largest network system in the United States. Various kinds of information are at your fingertips around the clock. コンピュ
- sportsman to the fingertips 申し分のないスポーツマン
- to one's fingertips 全く、完全{かんぜん}に Terry is loaded to her fingertips with love for you. テリーはあなたへの愛で完全に満たされている。
- british to his fingertips 根っからのイギリス人
- clean one's fingertips with the kaishi 指先{ゆびさき}を懐紙{ふところがみ}でふく[ぬぐう?清める]
- feel the urgency in someone's fingertips (人)の指先{ゆびさき}に切迫{せっぱく}したものを感じる
- have at one's fingertips hàve O at one's fíngertips …に精通している,…をすぐ利用できる.
- have information at one's fingertips 情報{じょうほう}がすぐ手に入る
- tap one's fingertips together 指先{ゆびさき}を打ち合わせる
- enjoy digital media at one's fingertips ワンタッチ操作{そうさ}でデジタルメディアを楽しむ
- hold the side of the record with one's fingertips レコード盤の端を指先{ゆびさき}でつまむ
- press down gently with one's fingertips 指先{ゆびさき}でそっと[優しく]押す
- put one's fingertips on one's forehead 指先{ゆびさき}を自分{じぶん}の額に当てる
- reach one's toes with one's fingertips by stretching out one's arm 腕を伸ばして指先{ゆびさき}でつま先に触れる
- smooth one's foundation gently with one's fingertips to avoid clogging ファンデーションがよれないように指先{ゆびさき}で優しく[そっと]伸ばす
- picks of one type have small plate-like shape and are held between fingers , and the other types of picks are put on the fingertips .
小さな板状のものを指で挟んで持つ場合と、指に装着するフィンガーピック・サムピックがある。 - players adjust music intervals by the use of ji (bridge ) and play it by plucking strings with picks (giko - tools put on the fingertip to pluck the strings ) put on the fingertips of the right hand .