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other 意味

発音記号:[ 'ʌðə ]  読み方


  • no other    no other 措いて おいて
  • on the other    他方{たほう}では
  • or other     ...′ or òther (1) …か何か《◆...は「some+名詞」かsomeの複合語で,or otherは不確実さを表すために付加したもの》 sóme day or ~ いつか/ some hotel or ~ どこかのホテル;ホテルかどこ[何]か/ somewhere or ~((略式))どこかへ[で]. (2) [one or other] 1人[1つ]以上.
  • such other    こんな他の
  • the other    the other 今一つ いま一つ いまひとつ 今一 いまいち 其方 そっち 其方 そちら 彼方 かなた あなた あちら
  • this, that, and the other    あれやこれや、種々{しゅじゅ}さまざまのもの
  • other voices, other rooms    {著作} : 遠い声?遠い部屋◆米1948《著》トルーマン?カポーティ(Truman Capote)
  • (on) the other hand    (on) the other hand 他面 ためん 他方 たほう
  • all other    他の~すべて
  • any other    他のどれよりも
  • at other hours    他の折に
  • at other times    普段{ふだん}は、またある時には
  • at the other end    相手方(側)で、先方{せんぽう}で
  • at the other extreme    それとは正反対{せいはんたい}に
  • at the other side of    ~の反対側{はんたいがわ}で


  • wyck and duval did argue at dinner the other night .
    夕食の後に 言い争っていたことだ
  • and put it on the other side of that small incision
  • it's the result of us trying to protect each other .
    お互いをかばいあって そうなった。
  • no one on the other side of this room through that wall
  • i would invite other people who are interested in this
    ですので 興味があれば研究に―
  • the other office bombarded them countless times ?
    よその署が もう何度もアタックしてるの?
  • it's never too late to become someone other
    単なる 「体験を克服した人」 以上の 存在になるのに
  • yes ...for people like me , there's no other way
    はい... 僕のような人間にできる償いは
  • the door at the other end of the corridor from me .
    ろ 廊下の 一番向こうの扉でした。
  • in other words , this trunk is him at the age of 17 .
    つまり この幹は17歳の彼自身
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • not the same one or ones already mentioned or implied; "today isn''t any other day"- the White Queen; "the construction of highways and other public works"; "he asked for other employment"; "any other person would tell the truth"; "his other books are still in storage"; "then we looked at the other house"; "hearing was good in his other ear"; "the other sex"; "she lived on the other side of the street from me"; "went in the other direction"

  • Adjective
  • very unusual; different in character or quality from the normal or expected; "a strange, other dimension...where his powers seemed to fail"- Lance Morrow

  • belonging to the distant past; "the early inhabitants of Europe"; "former generations"; "in other times"
    Synonyms: early, former,

  • recently past; "the other evening"

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