abuse by a parent 親による虐待{ぎゃくたい}、親の虐待{ぎゃくたい} It's common practice for a doctor to interview a child he suspects may be the victim of abuse by a parent. According to recent estimates, up to 5,000 children die each year
co parent {名} : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {自他動} :
co-parent {名} : (離婚後も子どもを養育する)親 The appeals court ruled that a lesbian nonbiological co-parent had no legal standing with the child of her former partner, because the biological mother had never given up her
made out to the parent organization to the ted organization tedの母体である
your father chose to be a parent over being a magus . あなたの親であることを選んだのよ
a parent whose child is murdered go through ? 子供を殺された親の気持ちってnどうなんですか?
when i became a parent , i figured , you know what ? 私が親になった時に 気づいたんです
ah , grown up way too fast . single parent , if she has any . 精神的未熟、片親
if you're going to be a foster parent . i'm sorry . ちゃんとしてください。 すいません。
totally right . such a parent is totally hopeless . そうだな。 そんなやつは 駄目だ。
to what a great leader is , is like being a parent . たとえるなら 親のような存在です
you mean you're going to be like a foster parent ? 何 それって 親代わりになるってこと?
jl: well , i was the one who made you a parent . ジョシュ:僕のおかげで 親になれたんだよね