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parent 意味

発音記号:[ 'pɛərənt ]  読み方
名詞 複数形: parents   


  • a or one parent    a or one parent 片親 かたおや
  • a parent language    a parent language 祖語 そご
  • absent parent    親の不在{ふざい}
  • abuse by a parent    親による虐待{ぎゃくたい}、親の虐待{ぎゃくたい} It's common practice for a doctor to interview a child he suspects may be the victim of abuse by a parent. According to recent estimates, up to 5,000 children die each year
  • abusive parent    虐待{ぎゃくたい}する親
  • aging parent    年老いた親
  • alcoholic parent    飲酒親{いんしゅ おや}
  • another's parent(s)    another's parent(s) 親御 おやご
  • as surrogate parent    親代わりに
  • askable parent    質問{しつもん}しやすい親、話しやすい親◆特に性に関連するものなど、子供がさまざまな質問をしやすい親。
  • become a parent    親になる、子をもうける
  • biological parent     biological párent [one's ~] 生みの親,実の親.
  • blood parent    実父母{じつ ふぼ}
  • co parent    {名} : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {自他動} :
  • co-parent    {名} : (離婚後も子どもを養育する)親 The appeals court ruled that a lesbian nonbiological co-parent had no legal standing with the child of her former partner, because the biological mother had never given up her


  • made out to the parent organization to the ted organization
  • your father chose to be a parent over being a magus .
  • a parent whose child is murdered go through ?
  • when i became a parent , i figured , you know what ?
    私が親になった時に 気づいたんです
  • ah , grown up way too fast . single parent , if she has any .
  • if you're going to be a foster parent . i'm sorry .
    ちゃんとしてください。 すいません。
  • totally right . such a parent is totally hopeless .
    そうだな。 そんなやつは 駄目だ。
  • to what a great leader is , is like being a parent .
    たとえるなら 親のような存在です
  • you mean you're going to be like a foster parent ?
    何 それって 親代わりになるってこと?
  • jl: well , i was the one who made you a parent .
    ジョシュ:僕のおかげで 親になれたんだよね
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • an organism (plant or animal) from which younger ones are obtained

  • a father or mother; one who begets or one who gives birth to or nurtures and raises a child; a relative who plays the role of guardian

  • Verb
  • bring up; "raise a family"; "bring up children"
    Synonyms: rear, raise, bring up, nurture,

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