person of character 意味
- 気骨{きこつ}のある人、人格高潔な人、人格者{じんかくしゃ}
- person person n. 人; 人格; 身体; 風采; 〔法律〕 人. 【動詞+】 adorn one's person 身を飾る
- character character n. (1) 性質, 品性, 性格, 人格. 【動詞+】 We should analyze the character of
- person of no character 気骨{きこつ}のない人
- person's character person's character 沽券 こけん
- best index to a person's character 《the ~》人の人格{じんかく}を計る最良{さいりょう}の指標{しひょう}
- person of admirable character 立派{りっぱ}な人物{じんぶつ}
- person of amiable character 好ましい人物{じんぶつ}
- person of base character 品性劣等{ひんせい れっとう}な人
- person of decided character 果断{かだん}な性格{せいかく}の人
- person of disreputable character 評判{ひょうばん}の良くない人
- person of dissolute character 自堕落{じだらく}な人
- person of doubtful character いかがわしい人物{じんぶつ}
- person of exceptional character 並外れた性質{せいしつ}の人
- person of fine character 立派{りっぱ}な人格{じんかく}[品性]の人
- person of firm character 堅実{けんじつ}な性格{せいかく}の人、しっかり者
- this might be because he was not a person of character and then , treated coldly by people around him , or he was affected by the fall of his father ' s second cousin and his boss , fujiwara no nakamaro .
これは、名足が人格者ではなく周囲から疎んぜられていたためか、または父の又従兄弟で上司でもあった藤原仲麻呂の失脚の影響したのではないかと見られている。 - yokawa no sozu , who firstly appeared in this chapter as the high-ranking buddhist priest of hieizan (mt . hiei ), is said to have been created by looking to eshin sozu , who was popular among the nobles in the heian period , as a model and was constantly depicted as a person of character .