political power 意味
- political power
- power 1power n. (1) 力; 才能, 能力; 権力, 権限; 強固; 国, 強国; 電力. 【動詞+】 She abused the power
- (political) power (political) power 権力 けんりょく
- (political) parties in and out of power (political) parties in and out of power 与野党 よやとう
- ambition for political power 政権{せいけん}への野心{やしん}
- facilitate a change of political power 政権交代{せいけん こうたい}を実現{じつげん}しやすくする
- political party in power political party in power 政権党 せいけんとう
- political power shift 政権交代{せいけん こうたい}
- political power vacuum 政権{せいけん}の空白{くうはく}(状態{じょうたい})
- they had the idea that the people who would be in political power
彼らの考え方は - these local ruling classes wielded substantial political power .
その勢力をはっていた。 - those who mistake the law as political power , and in the end
法律を権力だと はきちがえ あげく - the shogunate government separated political power from econoic power .