meridian meridian n. 〔地理〕 子午線, 経線; 《文語》 頂点, 絶頂, 盛り. 【動詞+】 as the star approaches its meridian (その)星が子午線に近づくと His power has passed the meridian. 《文語》 彼の勢力は絶頂期を過ぎた He seemed to have passed h
prime 1prime n. (1) 真っ盛り, 全盛; 《文語》 初期, 春, 青春. 【動詞+】 She is just approaching her prime. まさに女盛りに達しようとしている Thoroughbreds attain their prime between three and four. サラブレッドは 3 歳から 4 歳の間に全盛に達する
a meridian which crosses the calendar revision office in nishisanjo , kyoto is used as the prime meridian , the basis of longitude , and the lines that cross at right angles to each degree of latitude and longitude are drawn on the basis of actual measured values (some theories insist that such a method is similar to sanson projection of the west ). 京都西三条改暦所を通る子午線を本初子午線として経度の基準とし、実測値を元に経度・緯度1度ごとに直交する度線を引いてある(西洋のサンソン図法に近いとされるが異説もある)。
meridian at zero degree longitude from which east and west are reckoned (usually the Greenwich longitude in England)