pulse 意味
発音記号:[ pʌls ] 読み方
- 1pulse n. 脈, 脈拍; 振動; 躍動; 意向, 気分; 〔電気〕 パルス.【動詞+】
- I watched the digits increase on the equipment that was monitoring my pulse and blood pressure.
- Delivered with eloquence and power, the address stirred the heart and quickened the pulse of everyone present.
雄弁かつ力強く語られたその演説は, 参加した者すべての心をわき立たせ胸を高鳴らせた
- Often a half hour's walk in the woods will reduce your pulse significantly.
【+動詞】【形容詞 名詞+】- The patient's average recorded pulse was well above a baseline reading.
- Many computers digest information in chains of eight electrical pulses.
多くのコンピューターは 8 回連続の電気パルスによって情報を消化する
【前置詞+】- High-intensity effort always causes a rapid increase in pulse and breathing rate.
- They tried the kiss of life, but there was not a flicker of pulse in the drowned boy.
【+前置詞】- Standing in the enormous shadow of the pyramid and smelling the dust of Egypt, I felt the pulse of history.
2pulse v. 脈打つ.【+前置詞】- pulse with life
- I watched the digits increase on the equipment that was monitoring my pulse and blood pressure.
- if there's no pulse 脈拍{みゃくはく}がなければ、脈が止まっていたら
- abdominal pulse 腹脈{ふくみゃく}
- abrupt pulse 唐突脈{とうとつ みゃく}
- absence of pulse 脈なし病
- acoustic pulse 音響{おんきょう}パルス
- additional pulse 付加{ふか}パルス
- after pulse
- after-pulse
- allorhythmic pulse 不整脈{ふせいみゃく}
- alternating pulse 交互脈{こうごみゃく}
- amplitude of pulse 《amplitude of (a) pulse》脈拍{みゃくはく}の振幅{しんぷく}[大きさ]、脈幅{みゃくふく}
- anacrotic pulse 上行脚隆起波{じょう こうきゃく りゅうき は}
- anadicrotic pulse anadicrotic pulse 昇脚脈[医生]; 上行脚二重脈[医生]
- arterial pulse 動脈拍動{どうみゃくはくどう}
- backscattered pulse 後方散乱{こうほう さんらん}パルス
- his blood pressure and pulse are stable .
彼の脈拍と血圧は正常で、すり傷と右手首に痛みがあります - pulse 140 ... 140 . weak and thready at the brachial .
脈拍140 かなり弱っています - that measure the electrical pulse of my muscles .
筋肉の発する電気的パルスを測る電極です - oy , her heart rate increased . check the pulse .
おい レート伸びてきてんな ソウケイ確認 - an electrical pulse goes back to the brain of the animal
電気信号がサルの脳に送られ - his vitals ? bp of 7040 with a pulse of 140 .
バイタルは?- 血圧70/40で脈拍は140です - his pulse is getting faster , but he's still okay .
脈は速くなってますが異常ありません - i can already feel your pulse slowing down .
あなたの脈がもうゆっくり なっているのを感じるわ - no pulse . okay , start cpr . one , two , three ...
《脈拍なし 心肺蘇生》 間違いなく - we got four pulse rifles with about 50 rounds each .
パルスライフル4丁 弾は50発ずつ
- Noun
- the rhythmic contraction and expansion of the arteries with each beat of the heart; "he could feel the beat of her heart"
Synonyms: pulsation, heartbeat, beat, - (electronics) a sharp transient wave in the normal electrical state (or a series of such transients); "the pulsations seemed to be coming from a star"
Synonyms: pulsation, pulsing, impulse, - edible seeds of various pod-bearing plants (peas or beans or lentils etc.)
- the rate at which the heart beats; usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person''s health
Synonyms: pulse rate, heart rate, Verb - produce or modulate (as electromagnetic waves) in the form of short bursts or pulses or cause an apparatus to produce pulses; "pulse waves"; "a transmitter pulsed by an electronic tube"
Synonyms: pulsate, - expand and contract rhythmically; beat rhythmically; "The baby''s heart was pulsating again after the surgeon massaged it"
Synonyms: pulsate, throb, - drive by or as if by pulsation; "A soft breeze pulsed the air"