tactics 意味
発音記号:[ 'tæktiks ] 読み方
- tactics n. 戦術; 策略, かけひき.【動詞+】
- The lawyer adopted the usual tactics and bought the witness concerned.
弁護士はいつもの手を用い, (事件に)関係する証人を買収した
- The tactics the President used to defuse this confrontation were devious but effective.
【+動詞】【形容詞 名詞+】- If your attention-getting tactics aren't getting the results you want, you should think about changing your approach.
人目を引く手が思った効果が得られそうもないなら, やり方を変えることを考えるべきだ
- I disapprove of the bullying tactics the Prime Minister uses to get her own way.
- Companies will have to change their business tactics to meet this challenge.
【前置詞+】【+前置詞】- change one's tactics toward non-government parties
- The lawyer adopted the usual tactics and bought the witness concerned.
- abrasive tactics 強引{ごういん}な戦術{せんじゅつ}
- advertising tactics 広告戦術{こうこく せんじゅつ}
- aerial tactics aerial tactics 空挺作戦 くうていさくせん
- barrier tactics 障壁戦術{しょうへき せんじゅつ}
- blitz tactics 電撃作戦{でんげき さくせん}
- blitzkrieg tactics blitzkrieg tactics 電撃作戦 でんげきさくせん
- bullying tactics 威圧的{いあつてき}な政策{せいさく}
- business tactics ビジネスの駆け引き
- chainsaw tactics 人員削減策{じんいん さくげん さく}
- change of tactics 戦術転換{せんじゅつ てんかん}
- cheating tactics ごまかし戦術{せんじゅつ}
- counterterrorist tactics 対テロ戦術{せんじゅつ}
- crude tactics crude tactics 生兵法 なまびょうほう
- defensive tactics 護身術{ごしん じゅつ}
- delay tactics 遅延作戦{ちえん さくせん}
- spencer is centuries old , an expert in tactics .
奴は1世紀生きた 戦術のエキスパートだ - i need to talk to a couple men about ambush tactics .
待ち伏せ戦術についての講義だが - still has a thing or two to learn about tactics .
まだ戦術について 学ぶ多少の事はあるのね - so we've developed certain tactics and strategies
そこで、我々は隠れてこそこそやるための - meanwhile , in order to learn modern tactics ...
そのころ 尚之助は 最新の戦術を学ぶため - but i need someone to teach combat tactics .
率直に言いますが ご期待に添えるかわかりません - and now the killer changed his tactics , his modus operandi .
犯人は手口を変えた - now our usual tactics for tackling problems like these
通常 このような 問題の解決には - 1st , 2nd and final volumes of three tactics of huang shigong
三略 上中下