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tape 意味

発音記号:[ teip, tep ]  読み方
動詞 過去形: taped   動詞 過去分詞: taped   名詞 複数形: tapes   動詞 現在分詞: taping   



  • and a merle haggard tape at a truck stop
    その時ビスケットの粉と マール・ハガードのテープを見つけた
  • both the leaking of the tape and the refusal of treatment
  • just reading a tape in and reading a tape out .
  • just reading a tape in and reading a tape out .
  • so you got the tape ? their cameras dont work , no tape .
  • so you got the tape ? their cameras dont work , no tape .
  • we found the craziest shit , and we gotta get it on tape .
  • so i found a boat hook and my trusty duct tape
  • i can tell from her knuckles and the tape residue .
    彼女の拳と テープの残りカスでわかる
  • i don't know how long this tape runs , we might dump out .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • memory device consisting of a long thin plastic strip coated with iron oxide; used to record audio or video signals or to store computer information; "he took along a dozen tapes to record the interview"
    Synonyms: magnetic tape, mag tape,

  • a long thin piece of cloth or paper as used for binding or fastening; "he used a piece of tape for a belt"; "he wrapped a tape around the package"

  • a recording made on magnetic tape; "the several recordings were combined on a master tape"
    Synonyms: tape recording, taping,

  • measuring instrument consisting of a narrow strip (cloth or metal) marked in inches or centimeters and used for measuring lengths; "the carpenter should have used his tape measure"
    Synonyms: tapeline, tape measure,

  • the finishing line for a foot race; "he broke the tape in record time"

  • Verb
  • register electronically; "They recorded her singing"
    Synonyms: record,

  • record on videotape
    Synonyms: videotape,

  • fasten or attach with tape; "tape the shipping label to the box"

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