the railroad has been opened to traffic 意味
- その鉄道は開通した
- railroad 1railroad n. 《米》 鉄道. 【動詞+】 The railroad was blocked by snow.
- has {人名} : ハス
- opened 《be ~》開校する
- traffic 1traffic n. (1) 交通(量), (人 車などの)往来; 運輸(量). 【動詞+】 The road cannot
- has been {名} :
- opened to traffic 《be ~》通行規制{つうこう きせい}が解除{かいじょ}される、開通する
- as soon as someone receives information that a letter of credit has been opened 信用状開設{しんようじょう かいせつ}の連絡{れんらく}を(人)が受け次第すぐに
- soon as someone receives information that a letter of credit has been opened
- opened to traffic 《be ~》通行規制{つうこう きせい}が解除{かいじょ}される、開通する
- railroad traffic 鉄道運送{てつどう うんそう}
- fully opened to traffic 《be ~》全部開通する
- has been {名} : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形} :
- has-been has-been n. 《口語》 盛りの過ぎた人. 【形容詞 名詞+】 His company folded, to join the other high-tech has-beens. 会社がつぶれて彼もまたハイテク時代に取り残された者の 1 人になった one of life's has-beens 人生の盛りを過ぎた人の 1 人 The hall
- a greater future has opened up for ~にとって大きな未来{みらい}が開かれている
- partial resumption of railroad traffic 鉄道{てつどう}の一部開通{いちぶ かいつう}
- "the railroad companies make every effort to contribute to the comfort and safety of their passengers" 意味
- "the railroad crosses the street over grade" 意味
- "the railroad divides into two lines here" 意味