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violence 意味

発音記号:[ 'vaiələns ]  読み方



  • our children , they ... they see too much violence .
    俺達のガキは 暴力と隣り合わせだ
  • and so i decided to figure out the culture of violence
  • at moma , interestingly , there's a lot of violence
    実を言うと MoMAの芸術部門には
  • that a victim of domestic violence in afghanistan
  • treats sexual violence against women like sport
  • to talk about the issue of sexual violence openly
  • at moma , interestingly , there's a lot of violence
    実を言うと momaの芸術部門には
  • such as parents' neglection or violence .
    育児放棄や暴力を振るわれるなど 虐待の経験があるんです
  • there was no way to free ser loras without violence .
    暴力なしでは ロラス卿を救えない
  • because we will never retaliate with violence .
    私たち民衆は決して 暴力で報復しないからです
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • an act of aggression (as one against a person who resists); "he may accomplish by craft in the long run what he cannot do by force and violence in the short one"
    Synonyms: force,

  • the property of being wild or turbulent; "the storm''s violence"
    Synonyms: ferocity, fierceness, furiousness, fury, vehemence, wildness,

  • a turbulent state resulting in injuries and destruction etc.

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