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warning 意味

発音記号:[ 'wɔ:niŋ ]  読み方
名詞 複数形: warnings   



  • in my mind , the largest red flag warning for humanity
    最大の警告 レッドフラッグです
  • what this means is that warning signs such as these
    これはつまり このような警告の効果は
  • and our vice president that appeared without a warning .
    予告もなしに現れた 副社長
  • i chose to ignore the warning , and in so doing ...
    私は警告を無視する事を 選びました
  • perhaps dubaku was firing another warning shot .
    デュバクの別の警告だった のかもしれません
  • even with a warning , you're not fast enough .
    警告があったとしても お前達は十分に速くない
  • so we think these lights first evolved as a warning
    この光は捕食者に対する警告 つまり
  • using this technique , you'd get different warning
    見た場合 異なる兆候が出ると思います
  • i'm warning you ! if you come one step closer ...
  • the policeman intended to fire a warning shot .
    巡査は 威嚇射撃を するつもりだったらしい。
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • cautionary advice about something imminent (especially imminent danger or other unpleasantness); "a letter of admonition about the dangers of immorality"; "the warning was to beware of surprises"; "his final word of advice was not to play with matches"
    Synonyms: admonition, monition, word of advice,

  • notification of something, usually in advance; "they gave little warning of their arrival"; "she had only had four days'' warning before leaving Berlin"

  • a message informing of danger; "a warning that still more bombs could explode"

  • Adjective
  • serving to warn; "shook a monitory finger at him"; "an exemplary jail sentence"
    Synonyms: admonitory, cautionary, exemplary, monitory,

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