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way 意味

発音記号:[ wei ]  読み方


  • (on the) way    (on the) way 路上 ろじょう
  • a way    a way 一途 いっと
  • as a by-the-way    さりげなく
  • as a way of    ~の一手段{いち しゅだん}として
  • as a way to    ~する手段{しゅだん}として
  • as is the way with    ~がいつもそうであるように
  • be that way     bé thàt wày ((英略式))(ひどく)気分を害して[怒って]いる.
  • by the way    by the way 因みに ちなみに それはそうと 実は じつは 所で ところで
  • by way of    by way of として
  • in a way    {1} : ある意味{いみ}では、ある程度{ていど}、ある点では、まあ、一面{いちめん}では、いくぶん、見方{みかた}によれば、多少{たしょう} In a way, she is the most helpful of all the children. ある意味では、彼女は子どもたちの中で一番役に立つ。 --------------------------------------------
  • in no way    in no way 二進も三進も にっちもさっちも
  • in such a way    そのような方法{ほうほう}で
  • in such a way that    (that 以下)といった[のような]方法で、(that 以下)となるように
  • in that way    あのように、あんなふうに
  • in the way    邪魔{じゃま}になって、道をふさいで、妊娠{にんしん}して Don't get in the way of our serious discussion. われわれのまじめな議論の邪魔をしないでくれ。 Am I in the way? お邪魔ですか? I won't be in the way? お邪魔じゃない?、邪魔にならない?


  • that has been launched all the way to the upperstratosphere
  • yeah , they came in one way ... then doubled back .
    あぁ ここを通って来て 又引き返した
  • with the way they insisted on being treated themselves .
  • as long as you feel that way , you can start over !
    その思いが あるかぎり やり直せる!
  • if it was carl , yes i'd want to know one way or another .
  • sir suzuki . yeah ? the lobby is this way .
    鈴木様。 はい。 ロビーは こちらでございますが。
  • no way . i refuse to believe he's the monarch .
    有り得ない こいつが 君主だなんて信じない
  • by the way , this exhibition is open all week
    ちなみにこの個展は 今週いっぱい開催中だそうです
  • yes ...for people like me , there's no other way
    はい... 僕のような人間にできる償いは
  • the way the cost of what i squander , what is lost
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • how a result is obtained or an end is achieved; "a means of control"; "an example is the best agency of instruction"; "the true way to success"
    Synonyms: means, agency,

  • a journey or passage; "they are on the way"

  • a course of conduct; "the path of virtue"; "we went our separate ways"; "our paths in life led us apart"; "genius usually follows a revolutionary path"
    Synonyms: path, way of life,

  • any artifact consisting of a road or path affording passage from one place to another; "he said he was looking for the way out"

  • how something is done or how it happens; "her dignified manner"; "his rapid manner of talking"; "their nomadic mode of existence"; "in the characteristic New York style"; "a lonely way of life"; "in an abrasive fashion"
    Synonyms: manner, mode, style, fashion,

  • the property of distance in general; "it''s a long way to Moscow"; "he went a long ways"

  • doing as one pleases or chooses; "if I had my way"

  • a general category of things; used in the expression `in the way of''; "they didn''t have much in the way of clothing"

  • a line leading to a place or point; "he looked the other direction"; "didn''t know the way home"
    Synonyms: direction,

  • a portion of something divided into shares; "they split the loot three ways"

  • space for movement; "room to pass"; "make way for"; "hardly enough elbow room to turn around"
    Synonyms: room, elbow room,

  • the condition of things generally; "that''s the way it is"; "I felt the same way"

  • Adverb
  • to a great degree or by a great distance; very much (`right smart'' is regional in the United States); "way over budget"; "way off base"; "the other side of the hill is right smart steeper than the side we are on"
    Synonyms: right smart, right smart,

  • to a great degree or by a great distance; very much (`right smart'' is regional in the United States); "way over budget"; "way off base"; "the other side of the hill is right smart steeper than the side we are on"
    Synonyms: right smart, right smart,

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