way 意味
- way n.
(1) 道, 進路; 道のり; 方向.【動詞+】- The research and experiments by the team of doctors blazed the way in the field of open-heart surgery.
- cleave one's way through many difficulties to a high position in society
《文語》 万難を排して進路を切り開き社会的に高い地位につく
- Great men are those who cut their way to success through difficulties.
- Sleepy burros and oxcarts dispute the way with high-powered motorcars.
《文語》 (いなかの)道をのろのろしたロバや牛車も通れば高性能の自動車も争うように(ゆっくりと)通る 《狭いいなか道では高性能の自動車も速度を落とさなければならない》
- Gorbachev did not warn Sweden that a cloud of radiation was drifting its way.
- Since this project involves a lot of difficulties, you would do well to feel your way carefully.
- The wind was so strong that we had to fight our way through it.
風が非常に強かったので, その中をあえぎあえぎ進んでいかなくてはならなかった
- In those days many precious art objects of Britain found their way across the Atlantic.
- A young man must find his own way in the world, without props and safeguards.
- She says she cannot accept your proposal, but I am sure she will give way.
- I gave way to his entreaties and agreed to make an investment in his business.
- This country has always led the way in the field of computer technology.
- Soccer was adopted from one country to another till it made its way around the world.
- The French Revolution swept away the relics of the Middle Ages and made way for the new era.
フランス革命は中世紀の遺物を一掃し, 新しい時代を導き入れる道を開いた
- Frank discussion of the problem by the two sides has paved the way for a deeper understanding between them.
- The invention of the steam engine paved the way for the Industrial Revolution.
- It will take another year for the company to begin paying its way.
その会社が赤字を出さずにやっていけるようになるにはもう 1 年かかるだろう
- He plodded his way through a long, difficult paper on Hegelian phenomenology.
- The Catholic missionaries were preparing the way for Portugal's conquest of the islands.
- Before he retired, he did everything he could to smooth the way for his successor.
退職するにあたって彼はできるだけのことはすべてやって, 後任者が仕事がしやすいようにしておいた
- Nobody except small children could squeeze their way through this narrow opening.
- With no formal education beyond grammar school, he had worked his way to a major position in his company.
小学校以上は正式な教育を受けてはいなかったが, 彼は努力して会社の重要な地位についた
【+動詞】【形容詞 名詞+】- When I was in
(《米》 the) hospital, he came all the way from San Francisco to see me. 私が入院中に彼ははるばるサンフランシスコから見舞いに来てくれた
- The prices of these works of art go all the way from $1,000 to $1,000,000.
これらの美術品の価格は 1,000 ドルから 100 万ドルまでさまざまだ
- Could you show me the most convenient way to go to St. Paul's Hospital?
- Every day I walk to and from work, a journey of seven kilometers each way.
片道 7 キロの道のりを毎日職場まで歩いて通っている
- Put this drug out of harm's way, in case the children should find it.
- He lives near a fireworks factory and wants to move out of harm's way.
- In those days an airplane with a nonstop range of 1,500 miles was generally believed to be still a long way off.
当時は 1,500 マイルの無着陸飛行ができる飛行機が完成するのはまだかなり先のことだと一般に信じられていた
- The prime minister's statement will go a long way toward easing political tensions between Japan and the US.
- Some concession on the part of both labor and management will go some little way toward settling the dispute.
【前置詞+】- The taxi driver could not see the child because there was a bus in his way.
- You must not leave your bicycles where they will get in the way of pedestrians.
- Your extracurricular activities mustn't get in the way of your studies.
- Though we had had a very unhappy marriage, I still felt some regret when it came to the parting of the ways.
《文語》 不満だらけの結婚生活だったがいざ別れることとなるとそれでもいささか悔やまれた
- At that moment, a telegram was winging on its way with the good news.
そのとき 1 通の電報がそのよい知らせを伝えようと向かっている途中だった
- She was on her way to do some shopping when she was knocked down by a car.
- Would you stop at the post office on the way to work and mail this parcel?
- He was sent to Lisbon to keep him out of the way during the negotiations.
- Now that this persistent problem is out of the way, all concerned feel very relieved.
【+前置詞】【雑】- I tried not to look his way in case he brought up the subject again.
- She went home all alone, because nobody happened to be going her way.
- Everything went her way and she made a healthy profit from the investment.
- If I had really known which way the wind was blowing, I would not have done anything so thoughtless.
形勢がどうなっているかが本当にわかっていたら, あんな軽はずみなことはしなかったろう
- His father no longer provided him with his school expenses, so he did not know which way to turn.
- If the negotiations went the right way, many workers would come back to work.
交渉がうまくいけば, たくさんの労働者が職場復帰するだろう
- The explosion shattered every window in the store, scattering bits of glass every way.
爆発のために店の窓ガラスが全部めちゃめちゃにこわれ, ガラスの破片が四方八方に飛び散った
- The greatest pianist of this century has at last gone the way of all flesh.
《文語》 今世紀最大のピアニストはとうとう亡くなった
- If the leader goes the wrong way, all the others will follow him and get lost.
もしリーダーが道を間違えると, 他の者も全部彼に従って道に迷ってしまうだろう.
(2) 方法; (個人的な)やり方, 習慣; 点.【動詞+】- Now that she has lost all her property, she has got to change her way of living.
- Industrialization destroyed a way of life that had endured for countless millennia.
【+動詞】【形容詞 名詞+】- Put another way, modern enterprises finance their activities with the money collected from a great number of people.
言い換えれば, 現代企業は多数の人から集めた金で自分たちの活動をまかなっている
- There seems to be no easy way to get out of the present financial difficulty.
- The possibility of such a danger as this has never, in the faintest way, occurred to me.
- “To extinguish a fire" is a formal way of saying “to put out a fire." “to extinguish a fire"
(消火する)というのは “to put out a fire" (火を消す)の形式ばった言い方だ
【前置詞+】- According to his way of thinking, we are all responsible for this state of affairs.
彼の考え方によれば, こんな事態を招いた責任はわれわれ全員にあるというのだ
- This wine is still made in a way similar to how it was made in the Middle Ages.
- A new departure in the way of industrial robots has been invented by a Japanese engineer.
- There is nothing special in the way of scholarship in the paper, but it reads well.
その論文には学問の点では特別のことはないが, おもしろく読める
【+前置詞】【+to do】【雑】- Fortunately the opportunity came my way.
- The research and experiments by the team of doctors blazed the way in the field of open-heart surgery.
- (on the) way (on the) way 路上 ろじょう
- a way a way 一途 いっと
- as a by-the-way さりげなく
- as a way of ~の一手段{いち しゅだん}として
- as a way to ~する手段{しゅだん}として
- as is the way with ~がいつもそうであるように
- be that way bé thàt wày ((英略式))(ひどく)気分を害して[怒って]いる.
- by the way by the way 因みに ちなみに それはそうと 実は じつは 所で ところで
- by way of by way of として
- in a way {1} : ある意味{いみ}では、ある程度{ていど}、ある点では、まあ、一面{いちめん}では、いくぶん、見方{みかた}によれば、多少{たしょう} In a way, she is the most helpful of all the children. ある意味では、彼女は子どもたちの中で一番役に立つ。 --------------------------------------------
- in no way in no way 二進も三進も にっちもさっちも
- in such a way そのような方法{ほうほう}で
- in such a way that (that 以下)といった[のような]方法で、(that 以下)となるように
- in that way あのように、あんなふうに
- in the way 邪魔{じゃま}になって、道をふさいで、妊娠{にんしん}して Don't get in the way of our serious discussion. われわれのまじめな議論の邪魔をしないでくれ。 Am I in the way? お邪魔ですか? I won't be in the way? お邪魔じゃない?、邪魔にならない?
- that has been launched all the way to the upperstratosphere
打ち上げて行われる - yeah , they came in one way ... then doubled back .
あぁ ここを通って来て 又引き返した - with the way they insisted on being treated themselves .
論理的に矛盾するという点よ - as long as you feel that way , you can start over !
その思いが あるかぎり やり直せる! - if it was carl , yes i'd want to know one way or another .
何としてでも知りたいわ - sir suzuki . yeah ? the lobby is this way .
鈴木様。 はい。 ロビーは こちらでございますが。 - no way . i refuse to believe he's the monarch .
有り得ない こいつが 君主だなんて信じない - by the way , this exhibition is open all week
ちなみにこの個展は 今週いっぱい開催中だそうです - yes ...for people like me , there's no other way
はい... 僕のような人間にできる償いは - the way the cost of what i squander , what is lost
- Noun
- how a result is obtained or an end is achieved; "a means of control"; "an example is the best agency of instruction"; "the true way to success"
Synonyms: means, agency, - a journey or passage; "they are on the way"
- a course of conduct; "the path of virtue"; "we went our separate ways"; "our paths in life led us apart"; "genius usually follows a revolutionary path"
Synonyms: path, way of life, - any artifact consisting of a road or path affording passage from one place to another; "he said he was looking for the way out"
- how something is done or how it happens; "her dignified manner"; "his rapid manner of talking"; "their nomadic mode of existence"; "in the characteristic New York style"; "a lonely way of life"; "in an abrasive fashion"
Synonyms: manner, mode, style, fashion, - the property of distance in general; "it''s a long way to Moscow"; "he went a long ways"
- doing as one pleases or chooses; "if I had my way"
- a general category of things; used in the expression `in the way of''; "they didn''t have much in the way of clothing"
- a line leading to a place or point; "he looked the other direction"; "didn''t know the way home"
Synonyms: direction, - a portion of something divided into shares; "they split the loot three ways"
- space for movement; "room to pass"; "make way for"; "hardly enough elbow room to turn around"
Synonyms: room, elbow room, - the condition of things generally; "that''s the way it is"; "I felt the same way"
- to a great degree or by a great distance; very much (`right smart'' is regional in the United States); "way over budget"; "way off base"; "the other side of the hill is right smart steeper than the side we are on"
Synonyms: right smart, right smart, - to a great degree or by a great distance; very much (`right smart'' is regional in the United States); "way over budget"; "way off base"; "the other side of the hill is right smart steeper than the side we are on"
Synonyms: right smart, right smart,