served two tours , with distinction , for the us navy before joining the dea . 優秀で2つの視察に尽くした deaに参加する前に米海軍の為に
served two tours , with distinction , for the us navy before joining the dea . 優秀で2つの視察に尽くした deaに参加する前に米海軍の為に
served two tours , with distinction , for the us navy before joining the dea . 優秀で2つの視察に尽くした DEAに参加する前に米海軍の為に
served two tours , with distinction , for the us navy before joining the dea . 優秀で2つの視察に尽くした DEAに参加する前に米海軍の為に
the second grade is the highest merit grade awarded to generals and field officers who have served with distinction . 功二級功労ある将官、佐官最高位の功級
this is the highest merit grade awarded to field officers and officers below the rank of major who have served with distinction . 功労ある佐官、尉官の最高位の功級
after the jokyu war , retired emperor gotoba ' s vast territory was granted to gokenin who had served with distinction . 承久の乱後には、後鳥羽上皇方の大量の所領が勲功を挙げた御家人へ新領給与されている。
he subsequently served with distinction in the battle of suriagehara , kasai-osaki ikki uprisings , and the bunroku-keicho war . 以後は、摺上原の戦いや葛西大崎一揆、文禄・慶長の役にも従軍して功績を立てた。
men you have served this nation with distinction in combat zones in every nook and cranny of this godforsaken world defeating every enemy they've thrown at you . 諸君は優秀さゆえ 選ばれた 戦場はこの神に見捨てられた世界の いたる所だ 現れる敵を 全て撃破せよ
as the governor of the commonwealth of massachusetts , i am confident each and every one of you will serve with distinction , honor and integrity . 「マサチューセッツ州の知事として、 私は君たち一人一人が... ...規律と名誉と知性をもって、 職務に励むことを確信しています」