in relief {1} : 浮き彫りにして、目立って -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 安心{あんしん}[安堵{あんど}]して、ホッとして
on relief (貧困{ひんこん}?失業{しつぎょう}などのため)生活保護{せいかつ ほご}を受けて Lucy is on relief having lost her job last week. ルーシーは先週失業し、生活保護を受けている。
relief 1relief n. (苦痛などの)除去, 緩和; ほっとすること, 安心; 救済, 救助, 救援(物資); 気晴らし, 息抜き; 交替; 控除. 【動詞+】 This will afford you relief from the pain. これであなたの痛みが取れますよ The thunderstorm brought relief from the heat.
a court noble kanezane kujo , the author of " gyokuyo " was a sympathizer for yoritomo , but commented with relief on the peaceful days in kyoto after his departure and cerebrated his personality as follows: 『玉葉』の著者である公家の九条兼実は頼朝派の人間であったが、義経の平穏な京都退去に対し、(次のように)と褒め称えている。
for shape , there are 輪車 (環状 )根付 , sashi netsuke (long , slender netsuke carved in three dimensions or with relief carving ), manju netsuke (round , flat netsuke ), hako netsuke (box-type netsuke ), katabori netsuke (figural , three-dimensional sculpture ), ryusa netsuke (manju-shaped netsuke with openwork design ), kagamibuta netsuke (mirror-lid netsuke ), etc . 形状として、輪車(環状)根付・差根付(さしねつけ)・饅頭根付・箱根付・形彫根付・柳左根付・鏡蓋根付などがある。
at least , 13 pieces of mirrors in 9 categories were buried , that is , 1 piece each of shaen nishin niju-kyo (a mirror with raised edge and relief engraving of two animals and two gods ), hokakukiku shishin-kyo mirror (a round mirror with a square pattern in the middle and engraving of four gods ), jutai kyo (round mirror of animal pattern ) and hirabuchi (listel ) shinju-kyo mirror (a mirror with relief engraving of animals ), 3 pieces of naiko kamon-kyo mirror (a mirror with patterns like a flower-petal ) and 6 pieces of four types of sankakubuchi shinju-kyo mirror (a round mirror with raised edge and relief engraving of animals and gods ) on the basis of the restored pieces from fragments . 破片から復元すると斜縁二神二獣鏡、方格規矩四神鏡、獣帯鏡、平縁の神獣鏡各一面、内行花文鏡三面、三角縁神獣鏡四種6面、計9種類で少なくとも13面鏡が副葬されていた。