world 意味
- world n. 世界; 世間, 世間の人々; 現世, この世; 社会, …界; 莫大, どっさり; 天体, 惑星.【動詞+】
- another international conflict such as engulfed the world from 1914 to 1918 1914
年から 1918 年にかけて世界をその渦中に巻きこんだのと同じような別の新たな国際間紛争
- There's never any lack of young men who think they can lick the world.
《口語》 世間を向こうにまわしても負けないと考える若者はいつでもいるものだ
- It is important that parents understand how a child sees the world.
- Yes, it's a good idea; but it's hardly likely to set the world on fire.
うん, それはよいアイディアだ, しかしそれで世間に名をあげるのはまず無理だ
- In recent weeks, rumors have swept the diplomatic world that a coup is imminent.
ここ数週間, クーデターが差し迫っているといううわさが外交筋に吹きまくっている
【+動詞】- This new generation of computers will be more powerful than any other the world has seen.
【形容詞 名詞+】- prefer death and union in another world to life and separation in this
- Character is the controlling force that integrates the inner psychic world with the outer world.
- Europe is no longer a man's world―managed by men and largely for men.
ヨーロッパはもはや男の世界ではない, 男によって主として男のために動かされる世界ではないのだ
- His rapid elevation in the official world has been due to other causes than merit or ability.
- These primitive people had had no contact with the outside world.
- Remember you're living in the real world, not in a TV soap drama!
いいか君が生きているのは現実の世界で, テレビのメロドラマじゃないんだぞ
- In the late nineteenth century the Western world―the Western aesthetic world―discovered the Orient. 19
【前置詞+】- The infant believes that he, and he alone, is the center of the world.
幼児は自分が, しかも自分だけが, この世界の中心だと信じるものだ
【+前置詞】- People are sometimes institutionalized because they cannot adjust to the world around them.
- He declared that the same principles apply in the business world as in the world of the cinema.
- In a world of uncertainties like this, it is well to be prepared for any emergency.
【雑】- There are hotels like this near all main-line stations the world over.
- another international conflict such as engulfed the world from 1914 to 1918 1914
- for the world あらゆる点で、絶対{ぜったい}に、決して、断じて、まったく、どうしても、どう見ても◆否定語とともに用いて I wouldn't go on a date with her for (all) the world. 私は絶対に彼女とはデートしない。
- in the world {1} : 世界中{せかいじゅう}で、天下{てんか}に -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : (疑問{ぎもん}の強調)一体{いったい}(全体{ぜんたい}) What in the world are you talking about? 一体何の話をしてるんだ
- in this world この世で、世間には
- the of this world the ... of this wórld 一般に…という名前の人《◆...は人名の複数形》.
- the world the world 江湖 こうこ 俗塵 ぞくじん 巷間 こうかん 世人 せじん 世途 せいと 天が下 あまがした あめがした 人中 ひとなか 天の下 あめのした 世上 せじょう 俗 ぞく 世の中 よのなか 世界 せかい 天下 てんか 世代 せだい 一天四海 いってんしかい 世俗 せぞく 俗間 ぞっかん
- this world this world 今生 こんじょう 此の世 このよ この世 このよ 俗世 ぞくせい 人世 じんせい 今世界 こんせかい 此の世界 このせかい 下界 げかい
- to the world 全く
- world of 《a ~》大量{たいりょう}の、多数{たすう}の、莫大{ばくだい}な、無限{むげん}の、無数{むすう}の、無量{むりょう}の
- world that was 過去の世界
- world association of world federalists {組織} : 世界連邦主義者世界協会◆【略】WAWF
- (the) world of ideas (the) world of ideas 思想界 しそうかい
- 3d world 三次元{さんじげん}の世界{せかい}
- 4d world 四次元{よじげん}の世界{せかい}
- a new world a new world 新世界 しんせかい
- a small world a small world 小天地 しょうてんち
- because this is how we believe the world really works
これが世界の 本来のあり方であり - the world didn't lose anything when they died .
彼らを失ったって この世には痛手じゃないわ - through the middlesized world in which we have to navigate .
便利なことなのです - leading the world , living its own life .
自分たちの流儀で暮らしていたこの青い箱を覚えていますか? - perhaps as long as there is a ninja system in this world
この忍のシステムがある限り - must be the rarest bottle of wine in the world .
最も希少なワインだと信じたかったのでしょう - of the world did , as the tragic events unfolded in japan .
私も家で見ていました - my mission is to destroy the astral world .
アストラル 向こう側にある世界って まさか...。 - a hundred million people in the world are homeless .
1億人がホームレスということです - aloof from other human beings , inspecting the world
- Noun
- all of the living human inhabitants of the earth; "all the world loves a lover"; "she always used `humankind'' because `mankind'' seemed to slight the women"
Synonyms: human race, humanity, humankind, human beings, humans, mankind, man, - the concerns of this life as distinguished from heaven and the afterlife; "they consider the church to be independent of the world"
Synonyms: worldly concern, earthly concern, earth, - all of your experiences that determine how things appear to you; "his world was shattered"; "we live in different worlds"; "for them demons were as much a part of reality as trees were"
Synonyms: reality, - people in general; especially a distinctive group of people with some shared interest; "the Western world"
Synonyms: domain, - people in general considered as a whole; "he is a hero in the eyes of the public"
Synonyms: populace, public, - the 3rd planet from the sun; the planet we live on; "the Earth moves around the sun"; "he sailed around the world"
Synonyms: Earth, earth, globe, - everything that exists anywhere; "they study the evolution of the universe"; "the biggest tree in existence"
Synonyms: universe, existence, creation, cosmos, macrocosm, - a part of the earth that can be considered separately; "the outdoor world"; "the world of insects"
- involving the entire earth; not limited or provincial in scope; "global war"; "global monetary policy"; "neither national nor continental but planetary"; "a world crisis"; "of worldwide significance"
Synonyms: global, planetary, worldwide, world-wide,