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発音記号・読み方: [ 'æbstrækt ]  
  • abstract日本語の意味:1abstract n. 抽象, 抽象概念; 抜粋, 摘要, 要約; 抽象主義の作品.【動詞+】Philosophers deal in abstracts. 哲学者は抽象的概念を扱うAn abstract of his speech was made . 彼の演説が要約されたAbstracts of the papers will be published in adva
  • abstractの意味:1abstract n. 抽象, 抽象概念; 抜粋, 摘要, 要約; 抽象主義の作品.【動詞+】Philosophers deal in abstracts. 哲学者は抽象的概念を扱うAn abstract of his speech was made . 彼の演説が要約されたAbstracts of the papers will be published in adva