発音記号・読み方: [ ə'lau ]
- allow日本語の意味:allow v. 許可する; 与える; 見込む; 認める; 考慮に入れる.【副詞1】We were not allowed any closer . それ以上近寄ることは許されなかったThey withdrew the legislation, thus effectively allowing the book to be published. 彼らはその法令を撤回し,
- allowの意味:allow v. 許可する; 与える; 見込む; 認める; 考慮に入れる.【副詞1】We were not allowed any closer . それ以上近寄ることは許されなかったThey withdrew the legislation, thus effectively allowing the book to be published. 彼らはその法令を撤回し,