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  • appealing日本語の意味:appealing adj. 哀願的な; 人の胸に訴える; 人を引きつける, 魅力的な.【副詞】The idea of marriage suddenly seemed immensely appealing. 結婚というものがにわかにとてつもなく魅力的に感じられたThe prospect of a free meal at a good restaurant was pa
  • appealingの意味:appealing adj. 哀願的な; 人の胸に訴える; 人を引きつける, 魅力的な.【副詞】The idea of marriage suddenly seemed immensely appealing. 結婚というものがにわかにとてつもなく魅力的に感じられたThe prospect of a free meal at a good restaurant was pa