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  • awe日本語の意味:1awe n. 畏怖(いふ), 畏敬.【動詞+】arouse awe in… …に畏怖の念を抱かせるElephants excite great awe in people who see them for the first time. 象は(象を)初めて見る人々に畏怖の念を喚起させるHer fans exhibited considerable awe for her.
  • aweの意味:1awe n. 畏怖(いふ), 畏敬.【動詞+】arouse awe in… …に畏怖の念を抱かせるElephants excite great awe in people who see them for the first time. 象は(象を)初めて見る人々に畏怖の念を喚起させるHer fans exhibited considerable awe for her.