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  • bedlam日本語の意味:{名-1} : 不穏{ふおん}な騒ぎ、混乱{こんらん}、気違いざた(差別語)騒々しい混乱の場所{ばしょ} "Honey, I think we should call the police. I heard a scream from outside." "No, that's from the neighbors. Nothing new. Stay away from
  • bedlamの意味:{名-1} : 不穏{ふおん}な騒ぎ、混乱{こんらん}、気違いざた(差別語)騒々しい混乱の場所{ばしょ} "Honey, I think we should call the police. I heard a scream from outside." "No, that's from the neighbors. Nothing new. Stay away from