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  • bluster日本語の意味:1bluster n. (風の)吹き荒れ; どなりつけ, からいばり.【動詞+】He uses a lot of bluster to try and gain his ends. 目的を果たそうとやたらからいばりする.【前置詞+】resort to bluster 虚勢にたよる.【+前置詞】the bluster of the wind around the eaves
  • blusterの意味:1bluster n. (風の)吹き荒れ; どなりつけ, からいばり.【動詞+】He uses a lot of bluster to try and gain his ends. 目的を果たそうとやたらからいばりする.【前置詞+】resort to bluster 虚勢にたよる.【+前置詞】the bluster of the wind around the eaves