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発音記号・読み方: [ 'kʌstəm ]  
  • custom日本語の意味:custom n. (1) 慣習, 習慣. 【動詞+】They abandoned many of their customs. 多くの自分たちの慣習を捨てたadopt and adapt foreign customs よその国の習慣を取り入れてしかるべく変えるThe invaders brought the custom with them. 侵略者がその習慣をもちこん
  • customの意味:custom n. (1) 慣習, 習慣. 【動詞+】They abandoned many of their customs. 多くの自分たちの慣習を捨てたadopt and adapt foreign customs よその国の習慣を取り入れてしかるべく変えるThe invaders brought the custom with them. 侵略者がその習慣をもちこん