early in life, all children look to parents for validation of their worth, but gradually they begin to look to themselves for a sense of worth読み方
- early in life, all children look to parents for validation of their worth, but gradually they begin to look to themselves for a sense of worth日本語の意味:初めのうち子供はみな自分の価値を確かめるのに両親に頼るが, 次第に自分自身で価値感を求めはじめる
- early in life, all children look to parents for validation of their worth, but gradually they begin to look to themselves for a sense of worthの意味:初めのうち子供はみな自分の価値を確かめるのに両親に頼るが, 次第に自分自身で価値感を求めはじめる