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発音記号・読み方: [ gift ]  
  • gift日本語の意味:gift n. 贈り物, 進物; 天賦の才.【動詞+】I beg you to accept this gift as a token of my appreciation. 感謝のしるしとしてこの品をお納めくださいThe corrupt politician accepted a gift of cash from the company. その腐敗政治家はその会社から現
  • giftの意味:gift n. 贈り物, 進物; 天賦の才.【動詞+】I beg you to accept this gift as a token of my appreciation. 感謝のしるしとしてこの品をお納めくださいThe corrupt politician accepted a gift of cash from the company. その腐敗政治家はその会社から現