発音記号・読み方: [ list ]
- list日本語の意味:1list n. 表, 目録, 名簿, リスト.【動詞+】check the list of applicants 応募者名簿を点検するThe lists were closed yesterday. 募集は昨日締め切りになったcompile a long list of… …の長い目録を作るThe above list might be continued, but su
- listの意味:1list n. 表, 目録, 名簿, リスト.【動詞+】check the list of applicants 応募者名簿を点検するThe lists were closed yesterday. 募集は昨日締め切りになったcompile a long list of… …の長い目録を作るThe above list might be continued, but su