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発音記号・読み方: [ 'pəuim, 'pəuem ]  
  • poem日本語の意味:poem n. (一編の) 詩, 韻文.【動詞+】compose a poem 詩を作るMany poems have been composed to Bacchus, the god of wine. 酒神バッカスに寄せた詩は多数あるdeclaim a poem 詩を誇張して朗読するlearn a poem by heart 詩を暗記するmake a poem 詩を作る
  • poemの意味:poem n. (一編の) 詩, 韻文.【動詞+】compose a poem 詩を作るMany poems have been composed to Bacchus, the god of wine. 酒神バッカスに寄せた詩は多数あるdeclaim a poem 詩を誇張して朗読するlearn a poem by heart 詩を暗記するmake a poem 詩を作る