発音記号・読み方: [ tai'fu:n ]
- typhoon日本語の意味:typhoon n. 台風.【動詞+】encounter a typhoon 台風にあうOur house survived the typhoon. わが家は台風に耐えた.【+動詞】The typhoon is still blowing hard. 台風はまだ吹き荒れているThe typhoon blew the car off the road . 台風で車が路上から
- typhoonの意味:typhoon n. 台風.【動詞+】encounter a typhoon 台風にあうOur house survived the typhoon. わが家は台風に耐えた.【+動詞】The typhoon is still blowing hard. 台風はまだ吹き荒れているThe typhoon blew the car off the road . 台風で車が路上から