- もっと例文: 1 2 3 4 5
- Not to mention the Eleven Point, the Jacks Fork, the White and the Black, the North Fork and the Piney, the Caddo, the Strawberry, the Little Red and the Petit Jean.
- Prior to damming, the White and Osage River basins were similar to the current conditions of the Buffalo, Elk, Niangua, Gasconade, Big Piney, Current, Jacks Fork, Eleven Point and Meramec rivers.
- Doe Run had applied to prospect on 7, 000-plus acres of the Mark Twain National Forest, not far from the Eleven Point, Jacks Fork and Current rivers in the Ozarks of south-central Missouri.
- Come in October, they say, when the place clears out and wildlife emerges _ like the great blue heron and its young seen soaring over the Current and Jacks Fork rivers'confluence on a recent quiet weekday.
- Good examples of dish structure can be seen for instance in the Jack Fork Group in Oklahoma, in Ordovician turbidites at Cardigan in Wales, in deep-sea fan deposits near San Sebasti醤 in Spain and in the Cerro Torro Formation of southern Chile.