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- Conjugated bilirubin is detected in urine at bilirubinemia of approximately 30-34 mmol / l or 20 mg / L . In this concentration of conjugated bilirubin in the blood appears yellowness of the mucous membranes and sclera.
- Today, cotton is classed based on its measurements for fiber length, strength and length, micronaire ( a measure of the cotton's fineness ), color grade, color reflectance, color yellowness, and trash percent area.
- The yellowness isn't really noticeable, though, since it's too bright-it's like an overexposed photograph, it just appears white-so you wouldn't really tell the difference with the naked eye, you would need a spectrograph .-- talk ) 20 : 00, 12 October 2011 ( UTC)
- At the first sign of symptoms, " more especially if those symptoms be accompanied by a redness, or faint yellowness in the eyes, and dull or shooting pains about the region of the liver, take one of the powders in a little sugar and water, every six hours, until they produce four or five large evacuations from the bowels . . . " He urged that the patient stay in bed and " drink plentifully " of barley or chicken water.