

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6
  1. this poem is written on fragmentary pieces of deccho-bon (a type of a book ) with torinoko paper (stout , smooth japanese paper ) that has been dyed a color such as purple , indigo , red ochre , or green and bound together with white paper .
  2. moreover , it devotes many of its pages to the statement about how the text of the tale of genji was handed down in the heian period when the contemporary manuscripts did not exist and only the direct and fragmentary materials were extant .
  3. the diary is said to have covered 28 years from 1166 to 1193 , but the original manuscript is not extant , and the copied manuscript (most of them were collected or copied by his descendant chikanaga kanroji ) and some lost documents which were cited in other books make only 13-year fragmentary records .
    仁安 (日本)元年(1166年)から建久4年(1193年)まで28年分が記録されていたというが、原本は現存せず、写本(ほとんどは子孫の甘露寺親長の蒐集した書写)や他の書に引用された佚文を合わせても、断続的に13年分が残るのみとなっている。
  4. yanagi found more than 300 pieces of mokujiki-butsu within just an year , discovered fragmentary tracks of mokujiki-butsu with inscriptions in black ink , sutras and guest records written by mokuji , and he published " research on mokujiki-shonin " with komiyama and the president of the yamanashi nichinichi shimbun newspaper , jiro noguchi .
  5. it also contains fragmentary but important information about the state of kinki region , particularly nara prefecture , during the turbulent times starting from the end of the muromachi period , through the warring states period and the azuchi-momoyama period , up to the early edo period (including both the winter and summer campaigns of the siege of osaka ).
    室町時代末期から、戦国時代 (日本)、安土桃山時代、さらに江戸時代初頭の大坂冬の陣、大坂夏の陣、と激動の時代の奈良を中心とした近畿地方の情勢を物語る貴重な断片的情報が記述されている。


  1. "fragmental"の例文
  2. "fragmental printing"の例文
  3. "fragmental rock"の例文
  4. "fragmental..."の例文
  5. "fragmentarily"の例文
  6. "fragmentary clues"の例文
  7. "fragmentary data"の例文
  8. "fragmentary delusion"の例文
  9. "fragmentary dialogue"の例文
  10. "fragmental..."の例文
  11. "fragmentarily"の例文
  12. "fragmentary clues"の例文
  13. "fragmentary data"の例文

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