(a) judge 意味

  • (a) judge


        judge:     1judge n. 裁判官, 鑑定人, 審査員. 【動詞+】 The prosecuting lawyer addressed the judge. 原告側弁護士は判事に話しかけた appoint judges 審査員を任命する bribe a judge 判事を買収する The judges for the speech contest h
        judge for:    ~の審査員
        to judge:    to judge 判じる はんじる 裁く さばく 察する さっする
        able judge:    名判事
        appellate judge:    上訴{じょうそ}[控訴{こうそ}]裁判所{さいばんしょ}の裁判官{さいばんかん}
        army judge:    軍法官{ぐんぽう かん}
        as grave as a judge:    いかにもいかめしい
        as sober as a judge:    極めて冷静で、全くしらふで
        as solemn as a judge:    とても謹厳{きんげん}な
        assistant judge:    assistant judge 判事補 はんじほ
        associate judge:    陪席判事{ばいせき はんじ}、陪席裁判官{ばいせき さいばんかん}
        back judge:    バック?ジャッジ
        bad judge of:    《be a ~》~の良しあしが分かっていない
        challenge to a judge:    裁判官忌避{さいばんかん きひ}
        challenging a judge:    challenging a judge 裁判官忌避 さいばんかんきひ


  1. "(a) job analysis" 意味
  2. "(a) job description" 意味
  3. "(a) joint action" 意味
  4. "(a) joy" 意味
  5. "(a) joyous and happy temperament" 意味
  6. "(a) jump" 意味
  7. "(a) just absolution" 意味
  8. "(a) keen debate" 意味
  9. "(a) keen disappointment" 意味
  10. "(a) joy" 意味
  11. "(a) joyous and happy temperament" 意味
  12. "(a) jump" 意味
  13. "(a) just absolution" 意味

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