(as discordant as) fire and water 意味

  • (as discordant as) fire and water


        discordant:     discordant adj. 調和しない, 対立する. 【副詞】 deeply discordant opinions 著しく対立しあう意見 strongly discordant views 極度に対立する意見. 【+前置詞】 His statement seems discordant with his previous remarks. 彼の
        discordant...:    discordant... 非調和[地球]
        fire and water:    fire and water 水火 すいか
        water for fire:    water for fire 用水 ようすい
        direct the water at the fire:    水を火に向ける
        dump the water onto a fire:    火に水を頭上{ずじょう}からどっさりかける
        fire needle streams of water:    針のように細い水流{すいりゅう}を噴射{ふんしゃ}する
        fire service water system:    消火水系統{しょうかすい けいとう}◆【略】FSWS
        fire water damage sale:    
        fire water pump:    消火{しょうか}ポンプ
        fire-water damage sale:    火事{かじ}などで傷んだ商品{しょうひん}の安売り{やすうり}
        go through fire and water:    たとえ火の中?水の中、あらゆる危険を冒す I would go through fire and water to protect my family. 家族を守るためなら、たとえ火の中?水の中、なんだってやる。
        go through fire and water for:    ~のためならたとえ火の中?水の中、~のためならあらゆる危険を冒す I would go through fire and water to protect my family. 家族を守るためなら、たとえ火の中?水の中、なんだってやる。
        put water on fire:    火に水を掛ける
        quench fire with water:    水で火を消す


  1. "(artistic) accomplishments" 意味
  2. "(artistic) carving with a knife" 意味
  3. "(artistic) golden section" 意味
  4. "(artistic) transparency" 意味
  5. "(as a prefix) miniature" 意味
  6. "(as if) walking on eggs" 意味
  7. "(as sure) as i live" 意味
  8. "(as) black as coal" 意味
  9. "(as) black as pitch" 意味
  10. "(artistic) transparency" 意味
  11. "(as a prefix) miniature" 意味
  12. "(as if) walking on eggs" 意味
  13. "(as sure) as i live" 意味

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