(baseball) an underhand throw 意味

  • (baseball) an underhand throw


        underhand throw (baseball):    underhand throw (baseball) アンダースロー
        (baseball) an overhand throw:    (baseball) an overhand throw 上手投げ うわてなげ
        throw underhand:    アンダースローで投げる
        underhand throw:    underhand throw アンダーハンドスロー
        throw a ball underhand:    アンダーハンドで投げる
        throw a baseball:    野球{やきゅう}ボールを投げる
        an underhand or backhand grip:    an underhand or backhand grip 逆手 さかて
        overhand throw (baseball):    overhand throw (baseball) オーバースロー
        underhand:     underhand adj. 内密の, 不公平な. 【+前置詞】 The authorities have been underhand in their dealing with the kidnappers. 当局は誘拐犯との接触を内密で行なってきた The authorities have been underhand with me. 当局は私に不公平な扱い
        (in baseball) an earned run:    (in baseball) an earned run 自責点 じせきてん
        (sumo) an underarm throw:    (sumo) an underarm throw 下手投げ したてなげ
        make an accurate throw:    《野球》正確{せいかく}な送球{そうきゅう}[投球{とうきゅう}]をする
        throw an egg at:    ~に生卵{なまたまご}をぶつける[投げつける]◆いたずら?抗議行動などで◆throw a raw egg at とも言えるが raw を省く方が一般的。
        throw an exception:    例外処理{れいがいしょり}を実行{じっこう}する
        throw away an opportunity:    チャンス[機会]をみすみす逃がす


  1. "(bar of) sweet-potato paste" 意味
  2. "(barbed) wire entanglements" 意味
  3. "(bargain) sale" 意味
  4. "(baseball) a fielder's choice" 意味
  5. "(baseball) an overhand throw" 意味
  6. "(baseball) ball which is hard to hit or catch" 意味
  7. "(baseball) catch" 意味
  8. "(baseball) extra innings" 意味
  9. "(baseball) game between waseda and tokyo universities" 意味
  10. "(baseball) a fielder's choice" 意味
  11. "(baseball) an overhand throw" 意味
  12. "(baseball) ball which is hard to hit or catch" 意味
  13. "(baseball) catch" 意味

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