(climbing) lane for slower traffic 意味

  • (climbing) lane for slower traffic


        climbing lane:    登坂車線{とうはん しゃせん}
        (traffic) lane:    (traffic) lane 区分 くぶん 区分け くわけ
        traffic lane:    車線{しゃせん}
        lane for through traffic:    直進用{ちょくしん よう}の車線{しゃせん}
        oncoming traffic lane:    対向車線{たいこう しゃせん}、反対車線{はんたい しゃせん} There was an overturned car in the oncoming [opposing, opposite] (traffic) lane.
        opposing traffic lane:    対向車線{たいこう しゃせん}、反対車線{はんたい しゃせん} There was an overturned car in the oncoming [opposing, opposite] (traffic) lane.
        opposite traffic lane:    対向車線{たいこう しゃせん}、反対車線{はんたい しゃせん} There was an overturned car in the oncoming [opposing, opposite] (traffic) lane.
        stray onto the oncoming traffic lane:    対抗{たいこう}[反対{はんたい}]車線{しゃせん}にはみ出す
        stray onto the opposing traffic lane:    対抗{たいこう}[反対{はんたい}]車線{しゃせん}にはみ出す
        stray onto the opposite traffic lane:    対抗{たいこう}[反対{はんたい}]車線{しゃせん}にはみ出す
        japan contractors association of traffic signs and lane makings:    {組織} : (社)全国道路標識?標示業協会◆【略】JCASM◆警察庁および国土交通省の所管。1976年設立◆【URL】http://www.zenhyokyo.or.jp/
        spin out of control and enter the oncoming traffic lane:    車輪{しゃりん}のスピン[空転{くうてん}]によって横滑りして対抗{たいこう}[反対{はんたい}]車線{しゃせん}に入り込む
        spin out of control and enter the opposing traffic lane:    車輪{しゃりん}のスピン[空転{くうてん}]によって横滑りして対抗{たいこう}[反対{はんたい}]車線{しゃせん}に入り込む
        spin out of control and enter the opposite traffic lane:    車輪{しゃりん}のスピン[空転{くうてん}]によって横滑りして対抗{たいこう}[反対{はんたい}]車線{しゃせん}に入り込む
        climbing:    climbing 上昇 じょうしょう 登り のぼり クライミング 登攀 とうはん


  1. "(classical) minister of the left" 意味
  2. "(classification by) similarity of theme" 意味
  3. "(clean-water) reservoir" 意味
  4. "(clear or rainy) weather" 意味
  5. "(clever) feat" 意味
  6. "(close) friend" 意味
  7. "(clothes which) look good on a person" 意味
  8. "(clothes which) make one look fat" 意味
  9. "(clothing) patterned all over" 意味
  10. "(clear or rainy) weather" 意味
  11. "(clever) feat" 意味
  12. "(close) friend" 意味
  13. "(clothes which) look good on a person" 意味

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