(forced) draft air duct 意味

  • (forced) draft air duct


        forced air draft:    強制空冷方式{きょうせい くうれい ほうしき}
        forced-air draft oven:    forced-air draft oven 強制通風炉[化学]
        draft air duct:    draft air duct 送風路[機械]
        forced draft combustion air supply type:    forced draft combustion air supply type 強制通気形[その他]〈00確S2091:家庭用燃焼機器用語〉; 強制通気式[その他]〈00確S2091:家庭用燃焼機器用語〉
        forced draft:    {形} :
        forced-draft:    {形} : 強制通風{きょうせい つうふう}の
        forced draft combustion air supply type oil burning space heater:    forced draft combustion air supply type oil burning space heater 強制通気形開放式石油ストーブ[その他]〈00確S2091:家庭用燃焼機器用語〉
        forced air:    強制空気{きょうせい くうき}、強制換気{きょうせいかんき}
        air duct:    air duct 気道 きどう
        forced draft cooling system:    forced draft cooling system 送風冷却式
        forced draft fan:    ボイラー送風機{そうふうき}
        forced draft front:    forced draft front 押込通気たきぐち[機械]; 強制通風たきぐち[機械]
        forced draft vent type:    forced draft vent type 強制排気形(FE形)[その他]〈00確S2091:家庭用燃焼機器用語〉; 強制排気式(FE式)[その他]〈00確S2091:家庭用燃焼機器用語〉
        forced-draft oven:    forced-draft oven 強制通風炉[化学]
        air draft:    気流{きりゅう}


  1. "(for a) long time" 意味
  2. "(for) that once" 意味
  3. "(for) three nights running 3" 意味
  4. "(force of a) writing style" 意味
  5. "(force of) brushwork" 意味
  6. "(form) friendship (e.g. with a nation)" 意味
  7. "(formal act of) agreement" 意味
  8. "(former) soviet union" 意味
  9. "(france's revolutionary era) declaration of the rights of man" 意味
  10. "(force of a) writing style" 意味
  11. "(force of) brushwork" 意味
  12. "(form) friendship (e.g. with a nation)" 意味
  13. "(formal act of) agreement" 意味

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