(while) working in or at or for 意味

  • (while) working in or at or for


        disturbed while working:    《be ~》仕事{しごと}の邪魔{じゃま}をされる、仕事中{しごとちゅう}に邪魔{じゃま}が入る
        while someone is working:    (人)が働いて[仕事{しごと}をして]いる間に
        have a fun time while working:    仕事{しごと}をする時間{じかん}を楽しむ
        keep working while raising children:    仕事{しごと}と子育て{こそだて}を両立{りょうりつ}する
        continue working while raising young children:    幼い子どもを育てながら仕事{しごと}を続ける
        raise kids while working full-time:    終日働きながら子どもを育てる
        policy of cultivating distant countries while working to conquer ones nearby:    policy of cultivating distant countries while working to conquer ones nearby 遠交近攻 えんこうきんこう
        a while:    a while 一寸 鳥渡 ちょっと 稍 やや
        for a while:    for a while 一頻り ひとしきり
        in a while:    すぐに、間もなく、しばらくすれば、少したって、しばらくの間 You haven't been out here in a (little) while, have you? しばらくこっちの方に来てなかったね。 I'll get it in a (little) while. すぐにそれを取りに行きます。
        while:     1while n. (短い)間. 【動詞+】 Give me a while to think about it. それについて考える時間を少し下さい I'll need a while to think about your proposal. あなたの提案を考える時間が少し必要だ I spent a while in a coffee shop.
        while at in:    在学中に
        working:     working n. 働き, 作業, 運転; 経営; (鉱山などの)採掘所, 現場. 【動詞+】 explore the inner workings of sb's mind 人の心の内奥の動きを探る hinder the workings of the Constitution 憲法の機能を阻害する prevent the smooth working
        working...:    working... かみ合い...[機械]〈99B0102:歯車用語―幾何学的定義〉
        (while) in life:    (while) in life 存命中 ぞんめいちゅう


  1. "(whether to) continue or eliminate" 意味
  2. "(whether) existent or non-existent" 意味
  3. "(while) holding a post or being in office" 意味
  4. "(while) in life" 意味
  5. "(while) in the capital or in tokyo" 意味
  6. "(white) rice" 意味
  7. "(whitish) rice candy" 意味
  8. "(who's who) directory" 意味
  9. "(whole body protective) suit" 意味
  10. "(while) in life" 意味
  11. "(while) in the capital or in tokyo" 意味
  12. "(white) rice" 意味
  13. "(whitish) rice candy" 意味

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