大事に育てる: 【他動】 nurse 懸命に育てる: be deeply committed to someone's upbringing〔人を〕 いい加減に育てる: drag up 子どもを~に育てる: raise a child to be バイリンガルに育てる: raise someone to be bilingual〔人を〕 先進国レベルに育てる: nurture ~ to the level of advanced countries〔~を〕 回復の芽を大切に育てる: carefully nurture the budding recovery 子どもを健やかに育てる: raise a healthy child 子どもを大切に育てる: cherish a child 植物を大切に育てる: nurse a plant carefully 全国的なジャーナリズム勢力に育てる: build ~ into a national journalistic force 子どもをわがままに育てる: 1. pamper one's child 2. spoil a child 子どもを過保護に育てるのは良くない。: It is not a good thing to pamper a child. 息子を素直な人間に育てる: raise one's son to be an honest and receptive person 愛情深い人たちと一緒に育てる: bring up with affectionate caregivers