- "Mom, can I have this?" "Lucy, you know you shouldn't snack before dinner, right?"〔子→母〕
「ママ、これ食べていい?」「ダメよ。お金を払うまで、何も食べちゃダメ。これはまだママ達のものじゃないのよ」: "Mommy, can I eat this?" "No, you can't. You can't have anything until you pay for it. This is not ours yet."〔子→母(買い物中に)〕
「ママ!これ食べてみなよ!おいしいよ!」「ルーシー!食べちゃダメ!買わないんだから!」: "Mommy! Try this! This is good!" "Lucy.don't eat that. We are not buying it."〔子→母(試食販売)〕
「ママ、お菓子食べていい?」「ダメ、言ったでしょ。間食しちゃダメって」: "Mom, can I have some candy?" "No, I told you. You can't snack between meals."〔子→母〕
じゃあなんで半分なくなってるの??他に誰が食べたっていうの?ルーシー、ママにうそついちゃダメでしょ。食べたなら食べたでいいのよ。: Then how come they are half gone? Who else ate them? Lucy, don't lie to me. If you ate the cookies, that's fine.
ほらね。ルーシーちゃん、「ばか」って言っちゃダメって言ったでしょ!: See? Lucy, I told you not to say "stupid"!
ママ、これ食べていい?: Mom, can I eat this?
「これ食べていい?」「ダメです」: "Can I eat this?" "No."〔子→母〕
ルーシーのケーキ食べちゃったでしょ?: You ate Lucy's cake, didn't you?
新しいベビーシッターの人、嫌い… 甘いもの食べちゃダメって言うんだもん。: I don't like the new babysitter. She said I couldn't have any candy.
着物脱ぐまで、それ食べちゃダメよ。: Don't eat that until you take your Kimono off.
「ママ、これ食べていい?」「ダメよ。夕食食べてすぐお菓子なんて」: "Mom, can I eat this?" "No. You don't get snacks right after dinner."〔子→母〕
「ママ、出掛ける前にこれ食べていい?」「いいよ。5分で食べてね」: "Mommy, can I eat this before we go?" "OK. You have 5 minutes."〔子→母〕
知ってるでしょ: you know〔皮肉で使われることもある〕
こんにちは。ベスの母親のリンダと申します。ルーシーちゃんに夕飯食べていってもらいたいんですけど。いいですか?: Hi, this is Linda, Beth's mother. We would like Lucy to have dinner with us. Is that OK?
ダメよ、ルーシー!何か食べていきなさい。ほら、ちょっと果物持っていきなさい。: No, Lucy! Eat something. Here, take some fruit with you.