- Can you tell the difference between "county" and "state"?
その違いが分かりますか?: Can you see the difference?
aとbの違いが分からない: have trouble differentiating between
aとbの違いが分かる: 1. can tell the difference between 2. discriminate between 3. know A from B 4. tell the difference between
味の違いがよく分かります: I can really taste the difference.
味の違いが分かる: taste the difference
私の説明が分かりますか?: Do you follow me?
私の言いたいことが分かりますか?: Do you see [know, understand] what I'm driving [getting] at?
私の言っていることが分かりますか?: 1. Do you get my drift [message]? 2. Do you have any idea what I am talking about? 3. Do you see what I'm saying? 4. Do you understand what I mean? 5. You know what I mean?
私の言ってることが分かりますか?: Do you understand me?〔理解できたかどうかを確認する〕
私の言わんとしていることが分かりますか?: Do you see [know, understand] what I'm driving [getting] at?
このふたつの色の違いが分かる?: Can you tell the difference between these two colors?
それらの違いが分かるようになる: can stop mixing them up
aとbの単純な違いが分かる: understand the simple difference between
分かります。: Tell me about it. {2}〔納得したとき。〕
はっきり分かりますか?: Is this clear enough to you?《確認》