- ambiguity of constitutional interpretations
憲法解釈のあいまい性: ambiguity of constitutional interpretations
伝統的な憲法解釈: traditional interpretation of the Constitution
憲法解釈: 憲法解釈 けんぽうかいしゃく constitutional interpretation
あいまいな: 【形】 1. acey-deucy 2. ambiguous 3. ambivalent 4. amphibological 5. blurry 6. cloudy 7. cryptic 8. dark 9. double-barreled / double-barrelled 10. double-edged 11. equivocal 12. fuzzy 13. ill-defined
あいまいな事: ambiguous matter
あいまいな点: 1. grey area 2. obscure point
あいまいな話: 1. ambiguous talk 2. double talk 3. doublespeak
あいまいな(もの): 【名?形】 indeterminate
憲法解釈を行う: make constitutional interpretations
旧来の憲法解釈: traditional interpretation of the Constitution
あいまいな〔意味が〕: 【形】 backhanded
あいまいな〔言葉が〕: 【形】 muddled
あいまいなこと: ambiguity
あいまいなしぐさ: ambiguous gesture
あいまいな内容: wobbly wording