えぐり道具: router
塗り道具: dauber
嫁入り道具: 嫁入り道具 よめいりどうぐ trousseau
溝切り道具: croze
釣り道具: 釣り道具 つりどうぐ fishing tackle
釣り道具箱: tackle box
あかす: あかす 明かす to pass spend to reveal to divulge 飽かす 厭かす to glut to satiate to weary to tire to bore to weary
ひげそり道具: 1. shave 2. shaving gear 3. shaving kit 4. shaving things
釣り道具一式: fishing rig
かすり: かすり 飛白 a splash pattern 掠り grazing squeezing percentage kickback 絣 splash pattern dye pattern
あかすぎ: あかすぎ red cedar[土建]
ときあかす: ときあかす 解き明かす to explain to dispel doubts 説き明かす to explain to solve to make clear
なきあかす: なきあかす 泣き明す 泣き明かす to weep the night out to weep all night
のみあかす: のみあかす 飲み明かす to drink the night away
まちあかす: まちあかす 待ち明かす to wait all night