あかぬける: あかぬける 垢抜ける あか抜ける to refine
あか: あか 垢 dirt filth 亜科 suborder subfamily
ぬけぬけと: without scruple
きぬけ: きぬけ 気抜け dispiritedness dejection
ぬけげ: ぬけげ 脱け毛 fallen hair hair left on comb 抜け毛 fallen hair combings
ぬけめ: ぬけめ 抜け目 imprudence an oversight
ぬける: ぬける 抜ける to come out to fall out to be omitted to be missing to escape
はぬけ: はぬけ 歯抜け toothless 歯脱け falling out of teeth person with missing teeth
ふぬけ: ふぬけ 腑抜け fool coward
まぬけ: まぬけ 間抜け stupidity idiot dunce blockhead
めぬけ: coral rock fish
もぬけ: もぬけ 藻抜け shed skin of snake, insect, etc. (also place left behind)
わぬけ: わぬけ 輪抜け jumping through a hoop
ぬけぬけと~する: 1. have no scruples about doing 2. have the cheek [face] to
あかあか: あかあか 赤々 赤赤 bright red bright 明々 明明 brightly lit lit up