あげくのはて 挙げ句の果て 挙句の果て 揚げ句の果て 揚句の果て finally in the end on top of all that
on top of all that just recently his wife has got a taste for golf and he'd like a membership so he can take her at the weekends . あげくのはてには 妻が 最近 ゴルフに はまってって
あげくの果てに: to top it off あげくの果てには: upshot is that あげく: あげく 揚げ句 揚句 挙げ句 挙句 in the end finally at last あげくの果てに~と分かる: end up by 考えたあげくの賭け: calculated risk あげくに: on top of all that ちのはて: ちのはて 地の果て end of the earth なれのはて: なれのはて [成れの果て] n. ?彼は大金持の~だ He is a ruined millionaire. 西のはて: 1. Europa〈スペイン語〉 2. europe〈ギリシヤ語〉〔ヨーロッパ Europe の語源〕 酔ったあげくの乱痴気騒ぎで、3人が逮捕された: Three people were arrested at the drunken orgy. せかいのはて: せかいのはて 世界の果て end of the world げく: げく 下句 the last part of a poem or Bible verse あれこれと考えたあげく: after much cogitation さんざん捜したあげくに: after all one's efforts to find すったもんだのあげく: 1. after a lot of argument 2. after much ado 3. after much fussing 4. after much quarreling