あげだま 揚げ玉 bits of fried batter left after cooking tempura
they are also referred to as age-dama . 揚げ玉(あげだま)とも呼ばれる。
あげだし: あげだし 揚げ出し deep-fried (food) あげだたみ: あげだたみ 上げ畳 a tatami finished on both sides うりあげだか: うりあげだか 売上高 sales amount sold proceeds あげだしどうふ: あげだしどうふ 揚げ出し豆腐 deep-fried tofu まだまだ疑わしげだ: be far from convinced やりだまにあげる: やりだまにあげる 槍玉に上げる to be criticized to be made an example of だまして~をまきあげる: con someone out of〔人を〕 だま: だま 玉 ball sphere coin げだい: げだい 外題 title (of a play) げだつ: げだつ 解脱 Buddhist deliverance (of one's soul) salvation げだん: げだん 下段 lower (horizontal) column (of print) lowest tier (step, column of print, berth) あげ: あげ 上げ rise in price making a tuck 揚げ fried bean curd あ、まつげだ。: Oh, I see an eyelash. お手上げだ: 1. I have to give up. 2. be done for 3. have had it 4. have had one's chips てなげだん: てなげだん 手投げ弾 hand grenade