- have influence everywhere
政界に顔が利く: have many friends in politics
あちこちに 1: 1. hither and yon 2. right and left〔日本語の「左右」と語順が逆〕 3. round the houses 4. six ways for [to, from] Sunday 5. to hell and back 6. up and down あちこちに 2 【副】 around
彼は政界に顔が利く: He has influence in the political arena.
あちこちにある: 【形】 summer〈カナダ俗〉〔 【語源】 Some are here and some are there. の「some are」の発音が summer と同じところから〕
あちこちに動かす: move about〔~を〕
あちこちに動く: 【形】 vagrant
あちこちに投げる: fling about
あちこちに揺れる: sway to and fro
あちこちに現れる: pop up everywhere
顔が利く: 顔が利く [顔が効く] have pull with the company その会社に顔が利く/ have interest with the groupその集団に顔が利く (見出しへ戻る headword ? 利く)
顔が利く 1: 1. be very influential 2. have a lot of contacts 3. have a lot of influence 4. have contacts 5. have influence over 顔が利く 2 1. have influence in 2. have interest with〔~に〕
いろいろな方面に顔が利く: carry weight in many different circles
彼は市長に顔が利くと思いますか: Do you think he has the mayor's ear?
そのスポーツタレントは、宣伝にテレビにと、あちこちに顔を出していた: The sports celebrity was ubiquitous, seen in ads and on TV.
あちこちに使いたてる 1: order about あちこちに使いたてる 2 order someone about [around]〔人を〕