- 1. from pillar to post
2. from post to pillar
あちこちへ: 1. back and forth〔日本語の「前後」と語順が逆〕 2. from pillar to post 3. from post to pillar 4. this way and that 5. to and again 6. to and fro 7. up and down
あてどもなくさまよう: drift along
あてどもなく歩くこと: aimless stroll
あちこちへと飛び回る: flit hither and thither
あちこちへ移動する: juggle about [around]
あちこちへ追いやられる: be chased [driven, pushed] from pillar to post
広くあちこちに存在する: 【形】 ubiquitous
素早くあちこちに動く: move rapidly back and forth
あちこち: あちこち 彼方此方 here and there
あちこちで: 1. here and there 2. left and right 3. up and down
話がやたらにあちこちへ飛ぶ: jump from one topic to another
あてどなく: 【副】 aimlessly
広くあちこちに存在すること: ubiquity
あちこちから: from far and wide
あちこちに 1: 1. hither and yon 2. right and left〔日本語の「左右」と語順が逆〕 3. round the houses 4. six ways for [to, from] Sunday 5. to hell and back 6. up and down あちこちに 2 【副】 around