- The article was an exaggeration.
言葉遣いは大げさだが中身は乏しい: be big on rhetoric but low on specifics
少々大げさな記事: slightly sensational article
彼の評判は大げさだ。彼はただの平均的な選手に過ぎない: His reputation is overblown - He's just an average player.
それは大げさ[オーバー]だよ。: Now you're exaggerating.
大げさ: 大げさ おおげさ grandiose exaggerated
雑誌内のあの記事は、あなたを正当に扱っていなかった: That article in the magazine just did not do you justice.
(that以下)と言うのはちょっと大げさだ。: It may be a slight exaggeration to say that
大げさだな。/どうでもいいことなのに。/だから何?: Like it matters.
それは大げさに言ってるだけだ: It's a who-ha.
彼らは大げさに話す癖がある: They have a propensity for exaggeration.
大げさな 1: 【形】 1. ambitious 2. bombastic 3. exaggerated 4. exaggerative 5. grandiloquent 6. grandiose 7. hammy 8. heroic 9. high-falutin' 10. high-flown 11. highfaluting 12. hyperbolic 13. inflated 14. orotu
大げさな話: 1. big deal 2. fish story 3. fishing story 4. jive 5. tall story
大げさに: 【副】 1. bombastically 2. effusively 3. elaborately 4. exaggeratedly 5. flamboyantly 6. hammily 7. hyperbolically 8. pompously
この記事は論理的ではないが、興味深い: There is no logic to this article, yet it is interesting.
その記事は役に立つと思う: find the article useful