(buddhism) attachment 意味

  • (Buddhism) attachment


        buddhism:     Buddhism n. 仏教. 【動詞+】 adopt Buddhism as a state religion 仏教を国教として採用する embrace Buddhism 仏教を信奉する introduce Buddhism to the West 西洋に仏教を導入する practice Buddhism 仏教を信奉する In
        attachment:    attachment n. (1) 取りつけ; 付着; 付属物. 【動詞+】 The printer has an optional feed attachment. そのプリンターにはオプションで(買うことができる)給紙機の付属品がある These attachments are sold separately. これらの付属品は別売されている. 【形容詞 名
        attachment (to):    attachment (to) 執着心 しゅうちゃくしん
        attachment to:    ~との結び付き、~への愛着{あいちゃく}
        (buddhism) backsliding:    (Buddhism) backsliding 退転 たいてん
        (buddhism) enlightenment:    (Buddhism) enlightenment 大悟 たいご だいご
        (buddhism) karma:    (Buddhism) karma 宿業 しゅくごう
        (buddhism) metempsychosis:    (Buddhism) metempsychosis 多生 たしょう
        (buddhism) paradise:    (Buddhism) paradise 寂光浄土 じゃっこうじょうど
        (buddhism) reliquary:    (Buddhism) reliquary 舎利塔 しゃりとう
        (buddhism) the universe:    (Buddhism) the universe 法界 ほっかい
        (the) light of buddhism:    (the) light of Buddhism 法灯 ほうとう
        adherent of buddhism:    仏教{ぶっきょう}の信者{しんじゃ}
        believe in buddhism:    仏教を信仰している
        believer in buddhism:    仏教信者{ぶっきょう しんじゃ}、仏教徒{ぶっきょうと}


  1. "(buddh.) expiration of term of a vow" 意味
  2. "(buddh.) head temple of a sect" 意味
  3. "(buddh.) renouncing the flesh or the world" 意味
  4. "(buddh.) sins (which prevent entry into bliss)" 意味
  5. "(buddh.) this world or life" 意味
  6. "(buddhism) backsliding" 意味
  7. "(buddhism) bad deed which ultimately results in the creation of a good buddhist" 意味
  8. "(buddhism) divine protection or blessing" 意味
  9. "(buddhism) enlightenment" 意味
  10. "(buddh.) sins (which prevent entry into bliss)" 意味
  11. "(buddh.) this world or life" 意味
  12. "(buddhism) backsliding" 意味
  13. "(buddhism) bad deed which ultimately results in the creation of a good buddhist" 意味

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