- (Buddhism) backsliding
(buddhism) backsliding 意味
- "(buddh.) head temple of a sect" 意味
- "(buddh.) renouncing the flesh or the world" 意味
- "(buddh.) sins (which prevent entry into bliss)" 意味
- "(buddh.) this world or life" 意味
- "(buddhism) attachment" 意味
- "(buddhism) bad deed which ultimately results in the creation of a good buddhist" 意味
- "(buddhism) divine protection or blessing" 意味
- "(buddhism) enlightenment" 意味
- "(buddhism) esoteric school deity of love" 意味
- "(buddh.) this world or life" 意味
- "(buddhism) attachment" 意味
- "(buddhism) bad deed which ultimately results in the creation of a good buddhist" 意味
- "(buddhism) divine protection or blessing" 意味